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ASEAN Summit should not deviate from the theme due to anxiety (2)

(People's Daily Online)

14:06, November 22, 2012

Various voices concerning China have taken precedence over the real theme - the economy. Currently, as world economic recovery is losing momentum and international and regional situations are complex, all participating countries of ASEAN Summit should focus efforts on working together to address the financial crisis, rather than anything else.

ASEAN countries should not regard China as an imaginary enemy. No enemy would remain not to devalue its currency at the risk of its own economic downside during the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Compared to the style of some country that did not care the life or death of others but simply devalued its currency, one can easily tell which is better and which is worse.

The arrival of the Asian century does not exclude the participation of the United States. Asia welcomes the United States to strengthen ties with Asian countries through normal trade and economic activities. But any attempt to hook in "partners" and to isolate China will certainly end up void and vain.

Read the Chinese version: 东盟峰会:不能因焦躁而偏主题; Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition; Author: Yang Ziyan

【1】 【2】

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