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English>>China Society

Shanghai tackles issue of sinking city (3)

By  Shi Yingying  (China Daily)

13:44, November 22, 2012

According to Shi, Shanghai attempted to take control over its dense high-rise construction by imposing a fine to limit the number of it as early as 2003, but it didn't work out as "the rich developers seem don't care about such little economic loss (from fine)". Thus, he's calling for harsher punishment.

There are about 65 buildings higher than 200 meters in Shanghai now, while Tokyo has 45, according to Emporis, one of the world's leading providers of building statistics.

Earlier this year, wide public concern was triggered when a road crack that was 10 meters long emerged in Shanghai's Lujiazui area, where dozens of skyscrapers, each taller than 100 meters, are located. Officials later concluded that the crack was "caused by a usual settlement of the foundation ditch, which is in a controlled and safe state".

"The crack was caused by the increased pressure of foundation, but it didn't come from one high-rise or two, it came from the area where the 101-story Shanghai World Finance Center and 88-story Jin Mao Tower sit," said Chen Junhong, from Guangzhou Institute of Geography's environmental research center.

Hongqiao area, Pudong's Sanlin and Zhangjiang areas have had the most severe land subsidence, according to documents from the Shanghai People's Congress. The most seriously affected area has sunk about 3 meters in the past five years, becoming even lower than the level of the Huangpu River, which cuts through the city.

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