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English>>China Society

War zone holidays a booming business (3)

(China Daily)

09:58, November 21, 2012

Benefits to locals

Wuxiang received more than 2.1 million visitors between January to October, a year-on-year increase of 44 percent, generating an income of more than 1.6 billion yuan, according to government records.

"The theme park has created more than 300 employment opportunities in 10 months, and some 200 households have turned their homes into rural guesthouses, providing food and accommodation," Shi said. "It has also created jobs for residents in nine nearby villages."

He said Taihang Mountain, a musical extravaganza that re-creates a historic air strike by the Japanese army and includes some folk performers, has provided extra income for about 600 farmers.

Ren Chengtang, who lives nearby, said he had earned 40,000 yuan by playing a shepherd and providing his own sheep for the show over the summer. The show is closed in winter and will re-open in the spring.

"Each actor is paid 30 yuan per performance, along with a 5 yuan transport allowance," Shi said. "A subsidy of 90 yuan also goes to the owner of the 40 sheep that appear in the show."

The county has just started to promote red tourism, which is still in a period of development, he said. However, there are plans to build a cultural industry and promote the culture and history of the Eighth Route Army.

"Although the province has always relied heavily on coal, it's tapping into other potential areas to develop its economy and will look for multiple sources of revenue in the future," Shi added.

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