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Cease fire or continue conflicts? (2)

(People's Daily Online)

08:07, November 21, 2012

From the Israeli side, the military action is a heavy blow to Hamas, but the range of rocket bombs of Hamas has reached Israel’s hinterland, which annoys Israel very much. It seems that Israel must revenge to calm down the indignation of Israeli people. Moreover, for Netanyahu who hopes for a re-election of next president, to accept ceasefire in such situation will inevitably lead to loss of votes.

It is said that Israeli army has gathered at the border, but it is not easy to make a decision to fight a ground war. In addition to high risks, Hamas has obtained more support from several Arab countries compared with four years ago. Moreover, U.S. President Barack Obama does not want to see the escalation of Palestinian-Israel conflicts.

Under such circumstance, the Israeli government and Hamas must make a choice between ceasefire and continuing the conflicts.

Read the Chinese version: 是停火?还是继续冲突?, source: Jiefang Daily

【1】 【2】

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