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Australia intends to ‘break away from Europe and integrate into Asia’ (2)

(People's Daily Online)

14:34, November 20, 2012

Third, it takes the method of “old wine in a new bottle” in regional security. Remarkably, the White Paper said that it is an inevitable and legitimate result of strengthening national strength and expanding interests for China to develop its national defense, but it hoped that China can increase the military transparency.

Fourth, the introduction of White Paper is also the demand of Australia’s internal affairs. Gillard has two purposes for it. The first is to change her image of “understanding little about diplomacy” and consolidate its status inside the Labor Party, and the second is to please domestic people by “re-packaging” the policy program, making preparations for next general election.

There is no doubt that the prospect designed by the White Paper is grand and has too optimistic and idealized side. In addition, there are many uncertainties at home and abroad, so its implementation will certainly be full of thistles and thorns.

Read the Chinese version: 澳大利亚欲“脱欧入亚”, source: Jiefang Daily, author: Wu Zhenglong

【1】 【2】

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