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English>>Foreign Affairs

Wen urges closer cooperation in East Asia (2)


08:10, November 20, 2012

The Chinese premier also urged efforts to promote transnational infrastructure. He called on the leaders to strengthen policy coordination, expand financing channels, and build convenient and efficient infrastructure networks.

Wen urged the development of regional institutions in law enforcement, disaster management, the fight against transnational crimes and disease prevention. He also asked for more cultural exchanges and contacts between youths and between media organizations.

He said all ASEAN nations, as well as China, Japan and South Korea should continue to step up strategic communication, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, and stay committed to maintaining lasting peace and common prosperity in East Asia.

Other leaders attending the summit agreed that the international financial crisis, which has triggered global economic downturn, has brought huge uncertainty and instability to the region.

They believed that the 10+3 countries should work together even closer so as to promote regional trade liberalization and economic integration, maintain financial, energy and food security, strengthen infrastructure construction, and expand cultural exchanges.

The members should also join hands in maintaining robust economic growth in the region and prompt balanced and sustainable development, the leaders said.

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