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English>>Foreign Affairs

Beijing to become more 'involved' on world stage (2)

By Qin Zhongwei  (China Daily)

13:31, November 19, 2012

There will be at least one positive aspect for the bilateral ties after the leadership transition — the new leaders will not need much time to get to know each other.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, is already a familiar name to politicians and the public in the United States, due to his successful visit to the US in February. US President Barack Obama was recently re-elected to a second term.

"But the two countries should avoid and learn how to deal with, the 'third party element' that usually hinders bilateral ties," Yuan added, as he commented on the territorial disputes between China and some of its neighbors, which have a negative affect on bilateral ties between China and the US.

He added that there should be more personnel, cultural and military exchanges between the two sides.

China needs to foster trust with its neighboring countries, particularly in regards to the proper handling of territorial disputes, according to experts.

Vice-Foreign Minister Fu Ying said in an article published recently that China realizes the necessity of helping its neighbors and deepening the bond of mutual benefit, and it will continue to fulfill its commitment "to peaceful resolution of disputes and opposition to the use or threat of force".

【1】 【2】

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