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English>>China Politics

Promoting ecological progress key to socialism: spokesman (2)


10:29, November 19, 2012

For developing socialist market economy, the amended Party Constitution added, "It is dedicated to promoting harmonized development of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization."

Such a revision will help all Party members better understand the key tasks of the reform and opening up and the modernization construction under new circumstances, the spokesman said.

For promoting socialist democracy, new statements are added on making people's democracy more extensive, fuller in scope and sounder in practice, and on improving socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics.

The Party will keep to the socialist path of pursuing political development with Chinese characteristics, carry out political structural reform actively but prudently, steadily develop socialist democracy, promote law-based governance, and build a socialist country based on the rule of law, the spokesman said.

Statements on developing strong socialist culture in China and strengthening core socialist values are added to the Constitution.

The spokesman said these additions will guide all Party members to adhere to the goal of advancing socialist culture, deepen their awareness of and confidence in the Chinese culture, vigorously develop cultural programs and industries, strengthen the nation's cultural power, and promote development and enrichment of socialist culture.

For building harmonious socialist society, the Constitution has new statements on enabling all the people to share more fruits of development in a more equitable way and making innovations in social management.

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