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UN chief strongly urges "immediate ceasefire" between Israel, Palestinian militants (2)


08:30, November 19, 2012

Hamas health officials said that 45 Palestinians had been killed and 385 others wounded since Wednesday's escalation in the cross-border battle, the reports said. In Israel, three Israeli civilians have died and 63 have been injured. Four Israeli soldiers were also wounded on Saturday.

"I am deeply saddened by the reported deaths of more than ten members of the Dalu family, including women and children, and additional Palestinian civilians killed as a result of the ongoing violence in the Gaza strip," Ban said in a statement issued here.

"I am also alarmed by the continuing firing of rockets against Israeli towns, which has killed several Israeli civilians, " the secretary-general said.

"I am heading to the region to appeal personally for ending the violence and contribute to ongoing efforts to that end," Ban said.

Operation Pillar of Defense comes almost four years after Israel launched Operation Cast Lead, which also aimed to stop Palestinian groups from targeting cities and communities in southern Israel.

Parallel to the fighting, diplomatic efforts are being undertaken mainly by Egypt, along with UN and the United States, to negotiate a ceasefire between the two sides.

According to the Israeli news site Ynet, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised U.S. President Barack Obama that Israel won't initiate a ground operation unless Hamas escalated its rocket fire.

The Israeli government "will give a chance to the opportunity of a ceasefire, but if there is not an agreement with Egyptian, it will order a ground operation tomorrow (Monday) or the day after tomorrow," the reports added.

【1】 【2】

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