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English>>Life & Culture

Looted relics need more respect, better regulation (2)

By Wang Aihua (Xinhua)

12:59, November 09, 2012

International pacts on the ownership of relics illegally secured from other countries during times of war state that they should be returned to the original owners, but it requires both of the concerned countries to endorse the pacts.

States like the United Kingdom, a major host of such relics, have yet to become participants of the pacts, making it difficult for China to retrieve lost items.

This is exactly where international bodies such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization can play a bigger role. It can help countries achieve a common understanding because it is an issue of pain not just for China, but other ancient civilizations that have suffered ransacking at times of foreign invasion.

One of the major methods China and other countries, like Egypt, have adopted to take back antiques is bidding at auctions. This happened to five of the Yuanmingyuan Zodiac fountain bronze heads, but given their high prices, this is unsustainable and more importantly, unfair.

Buying back the relics would give an impression that the previous possession was righteous, but in fact, it was not. Instead, current owners of the relics should be encouraged to donate them to the rightful owners or in exchange for something else.

Meanwhile, organizations in different countries that are devoted to retrieve lost relics should team up with each other to share their experiences in reclaiming items and keep up the spirit to carry on with the cause and exert wider influences.

【1】 【2】

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