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English>>Foreign Affairs

World party leaders congratulate China on CPC congress (3)


08:15, November 09, 2012

The chairman added that "we have valued the economic cooperation from China in the development process of Nepal."

The chairman of the Jatiyo Party of Bangladesh -- Hussain Muhammad Ershad -- said that the CPC has written a new chapter building socialism with Chinese characteristics, turned China's economy to new heights and made great political, cultural, social and ecological achievements, strengthened the living conditions of the Chinese people and added a feather of higher prestige in the world.

Sean Dorgan, general secretary of Fianna Fail, the Republican Party of Ireland, said the congress' agenda is "an ambitious and important one" that will be followed closely by the international community.

"We recognize the vital role which China plays in the international community and its enormous economic progress in recent decades," he said.

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping's recent visit to Ireland showed that the two countries had shared close and valuable relations, Dorgan added, saying: "We have no doubt that this is a relationship which will continue to be built upon in the years ahead."

In a message, Juha Silila, chairman of the Centre Party of Finland, and Timo Laaninen, party secretary, said Finland was among the first countries to recognize the People's Republic of China in 1950.

"Bilateral relations between our two parties have also witnessed great improvements in recent years," the message said.

It added that further strengthening relations between the two parties is of great importance to the Centre Party of Finland

"With the growing international role of China, close ties and opportunities for open and direct communication serve as the best way of ensuring effective cooperation also in the future."

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