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English>>China Society

Fiber optics to connect Taiwan (2)

By Zhou Ping (Global Times)

09:02, November 08, 2012

"Unlike the cables between Xiamen and Jinmen, this one will reach further to the main island of Taiwan," Wen Baoqiu, China Unicom's spokesman, told the Global Times. Wen would not disclose how much the project would cost nor by how much rates will be cut.

The Fujian-based Southeast Express reported companies on both sides will invest more than $30 million. Cable connections between Xiamen and Jinmen have reduced telecom rates by up to 40 percent.

"While the cable saves money and brings convenience to both sides, which are relying on a transfer service in Hong Kong and other places, it will also promote deeper economic cooperation," said Sheng Jiuyuan, director of the Shanghai-based Pudong Research Center on Taiwan Economics.

"Substantial cooperation like this will help strengthen the cooperation across the Straits, and mainland companies will get more opportunities to invest in Taiwan," Sheng said.

The new cable can meet the fast growing demand and communication security will also be greatly improved, Han Zhigang, vice president of China Unicom, said.

【1】 【2】


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