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English>>China Society

Yanqing counting cost of blizzard (2)

By Zhang Zihan (Global Times)

10:45, November 07, 2012

"The most difficult thing here is still transport, as the bus service has stopped. The snow is 20 centimeters deep even in the town. I have to visit the villages for work but it's impossible now," said Wu.

Food is also in short supply, said Wu.

"The vegetable shelves were already empty yesterday afternoon in nearby markets," she said.

Nearly 800,000 trees in Yanqing were damaged or felled during the storm, which in turn damaged homes, blocked roads and cut power lines.

Wang Shuqin, deputy director from Yanqing Forestry Bureau, said that up to 8 am Monday, 106,000 trees had fallen, and another 716,000 were damaged.

"No one was injured, but fallen trees crushed 130 houses and 208 cars, while more than 200 fallen trees hit the electricity wires in downtown [Yanqing county town]," said Wang.

The cleanup started Sunday, said Wang.

"We cleared the fallen trees and snow on the streets of the downtown area Sunday, and now we are removing the tree branches from power lines," she said.

It has been more challenging to reach remote areas to clear up the trees, said Wang, as they were suffering from a shortage of equipment.

"We only have three mobile elevators, 14 chain saws and some 60 vehicles. Some trees are in remote areas, so without enough tools we can't handle them sufficiently," said Wang

【1】 【2】


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