
European experts' view on China's practice of humanomics in new era

(Xinhua) 10:28, January 02, 2024

ZAGREB, Jan. 1 (Xinhua) -- Experts in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Britain said that China's practice of humanomics in the new era, a development paradigm generated and developed from the Chinese modernization practice, is the key to understanding the Asian country's modernization drive.

"The very idea of humanomics in the new era is innovative, interesting and promising," Mladen Plese, a Croatian political analyst and a China expert, said, adding that China's efforts to bring the element of humanity into the economy are "valuable."

According to Plese, humanity and economy should go hand in hand. "It is proof that China does not falter with initiatives that pave the way for a better society and faster development, and any initiative in this sense, which leads to progress and development, is more than welcome," he said.

In the eyes of Faruk Boric, executive director of the Center for Promotion and Development of Belt and Road Initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, humanomics in the new era is a discipline that combines economics and humanities and it is much more amenable to explaining China yesterday, today and tomorrow.

"Humanomics in the new era offers not only a theoretical framework but also practical suggestions for tracing the further development path, recognizing that people are at the center of civilization and development," Boric said.

Citing the research report "The Humanomics in the New Era" published by Xinhua News Agency on Dec. 3, he said it showed human progress is not limited to just one class, race or nation, but must apply to the entire human civilization in all its manifestations.

For Keith Bennett, an international relations consultant in London, the concept of humanomics in the new era restores people to the center stage envisaged in scientific socialism right from the early writings of Karl Marx, which argued that human nature is formed by the totality of social relations.

Therefore, humanomics in the new era is aimed at redressing the socialist practice, including China's development, which has not always clearly demarcated itself from an economic determinism that neglects the human factor to a greater or lesser extent, Bennett said.

According to Plese, China has been able to constantly adapt and put forward innovative methods, initiatives and theories to guide its practices on its path to modernization, and the development format of humanomics in the new era is just another example. It serves as a key to understanding China's modernization drive, which differs from the West.

"That is how China is recognized in the world and this is the only way to succeed," he said.

Plese was echoed by Boric, who said that the Chinese development, unique in terms of its scope and achievements, can not be explained by classical Western economic theory but springs from the multi-millennia, Confucian spirit of tradition that advocates harmony.

"This Confucian spirit was impregnated with socialist ideology, which in its essence demands progress. It is the road to Chinese modernization," Boric said.

According to Bennett, the idea of humanomics in the new era focuses on the people and reinforces the concept that has been put forward in socialist countries, as the late Chairman Mao Zedong pointed out the people are the motive force in the making of world history.

Moreover, humanomics in the new era makes it clear that China, on its path to modernization, focuses on the people's welfare rather than making profits like the capitalist countries, he said.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)


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