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Art student pursues dreams by hard training

By Wang Ao (People's Daily Online)    13:37, January 05, 2016
Art student pursues dreams by hard training
Several girls practice in the dancing room. (Sichuan Daily/Xiao Yuyang)

Wei Yunyang, 16, left her hometown Panzhihua city in July 2015 for art training in Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan province.

Wei wakes up early in the morning and practices basic dancing skills with the guidance of teachers. "Even though the training is so hard, I think it is worthwhile pursuing my dancing dream of 10 years," said Wei with smiles on her face.

"Yunyang is a steady and diligent girl. She not only has excellent basics of dancing but also a good academic performance. Our society needs this kind of well-qualified artistic talents," said Li Bichun, the teacher who has engaged in art training for many years in Chengdu city.

Wei Yunyang participated in the art examination full of confidence on Dec. 20, 2015. This test was only a small step for the girl's dancing dream. "I want to be a professional dancing teacher in future," said Wei.


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(Editor:Wang Ao,Bianji)

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