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First family of Syrian refugees arrive in Australia

By Xun Zhang (People's Daily Online)    14:38, November 17, 2015

SYDNEY, Nov. 17 (People’s Daily Online) -- The first family of Syrian refugees granted visas as part of Australia’s recent additional 12,000 intake will arrive in Australia before this evening and settle into their new home in Perth. The staff from Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre (MMRC) WA will meet this family of five.

“The Government welcomes this first family to arrive,” the Minister for Social Services, Christian Porter said.

“The family has had a number of difficult years since fleeing harrowing circumstances in Syria, and Australia can be proud that its people will be providing a new home for this family.”

In September, Australia announced to take additional 12,000 refugees who are fleeing the conflict in Syria and Iraq, which represents a significant increase in the intake of refugees in Australia.

Australia Government, states and territories and local governments are continuing to discuss on options for settlement locations, including non-metropolitan areas. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Bianji,Liang Jun)

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