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Controversial meditation canceled in primary school in S China

By Huang Jin (People's Daily Online)    15:41, September 07, 2015
Controversial meditation canceled in primary school in S China
Pupils practice meditation during the lunch break in a primary school in Foshan, south China's Guangdong province..(Photo/Foshan TV)

A primary school in Foshan, south China's Guangdong province, recently requested the pupils to sit in mediation instead of nap during the lunch break, which has attracted public's attention on the internet.

The principal of the school explained that the beds in dormitories have security risks, so he came up with the idea to have pupils to sit in meditation instead. He has personally been practicing meditation for nearly 20 years. He feels very good and hopes to promote it in schools. The principal even made the demonstration video for the students to learn meditation in school. 

Some children complained about the new practice after returning home:" We sit on the ground. The principal guides us on the TV. We were tired and went to sleep, while the principal was still talking."

The photos showing that the pupils sit in meditation were posted online. Some netizens criticized that the practice didn't fit a pupil and worried about the possible harm to children's health.

Under the pressure, the school announced that the meditation during the lunch break would be canceled from Sept. 6. The Bureau of Education of Foshan said that implementation of a unified practice of meditation without the agreement of students and their parents is inappropriate. Schools have the obligation and responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment for the growth of the students.  


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(Editor:Huang Jin,Liang Jun)

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