Fri,Dec 5,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Heavy snow in NE China causes damage

(Xinhua)    19:03, December 05, 2014
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HARBIN, Dec. 5-- Continuous snowfall in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province from Sunday to Wednesday affected 1,799 people within the province, local authorities said on Friday.

The inclement weather resulted in the death of 271 sheep, 92 large animals, damage to 644 houses and destroyed another 78. Meanwhile, 37 hectares (ha) of greenhouse vegetables were also destroyed.

The economic loss has been estimated at 9.03 million yuan (1.47 million U.S. dollars), according to the civil affairs' provincial department.

Snowfall in ten counties exceeded 20 millimeters (mm), with 41.7 mm of snow fall recorded in Hulin. Twenty-one cities and counties saw snowfall of 10-20 mm.

Provincial civil affairs authorities have dispatched teams to assist in the relocation of people and livestock, while cold-weather items were also distributed.

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(Editor:Wang Ao,Gao Yinan)
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