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Thursday, September 13, 2001, updated at 15:58(GMT+8)

US Ambassador to China Appreciates Chinese People's Sympathy and Supports

In a statement issued Wednesday, US ambassador Clark T. Randt said he appreciates Chinese people's sympathy and support and promised his country's embassy and consulates in China will continue routine work.

The ambassador, on behalf of his country's people, expressed his sincere thanks to sympathy from many Chinese people following the disastrous attacks in some parts of New York and Washington D.C. that resulted in severe casualties. "The coward terrorist attacks happened in New York and Washington are not only targeted at the United States but also at all the civilized nations across the world", he said

The wolrd should stand firmly together to fight against those responsible for the terror attacks. President Jiang Zemin and Chinese common people have expressed deep sympathy and supports to us. This shows that the two countries have the common view of denouncing and opposing any kind of terrorist acts, the ambassador said.

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan also sent a message to his US counterpart Collin Powell late Tuesday night (Beijing time) to express deep sympathy to him and through him to the American people, saying that in the fight against terrorism, Chinese people and American people stand side by side.

The Amercian people alway faces disasters bravely and confidently and we would face the challenge this time with the same spirit, Brandt added.

By PD Online staff member Li Heng

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In a statement issued Wednesday, US ambassador Clark T. Randt said he appreciates Chinese people's sympathy and support and promised his country's embassy and consulates in China will continue routine work.

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