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Thursday, September 13, 2001, updated at 15:57(GMT+8)

Terrorist Attacks to US Not to Affect Cross-Straits Relations

Wang Zaixi, vice director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, commented on some issues concerning cross-Straits relations when interviewed by a visiting delegation of Chinese newspapers of Southeast Asia on September 12 in Beijing.

Wang first expressed how he felt about his recent visit to the Southeast Asia, saying that local officials he visited are all in support of national unification. Chinese people there are all very concerned about the Taiwan issue and hope sincerely to realize a unified, stronger country as early as possible.

Wang says we request Taiwan authorities to recognize "One China" principle and "1992 Consensus", under which any issues concerning Taiwan can be talked, and we regard "One country, two systems" as the best way for a peaceful reunification.

After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of CPC in 1978, we formally proposed a peaceful solution of Taiwan Issue in " A Letter to All Taiwan Patriots". This is based on the knowledge that Taiwan people are our brothers and we must try our best to realize the goal of reunification while reducing losses and casualties to the minimum. We don't want to see Taiwan people's lives and property to be destroyed senselessly. Therefore, the Communist Party of China will try its best to settle the Taiwan issue through peaceful negotiations with utmost sincerity and endurance. The proposal was welcomed and supported by Chinese both at home and abroad.

We adhere to the principle of "Peaceful reunification. One country, two systems". However, we may have to use force if Taiwan authority openly declares "Taiwan Independence", if large-scale turmoil occurs in the island with the penetration of interference of foreign forces, or if Taiwan authority drags on refusing the talk with us on peaceful reunification. Of course, we are not willing to see the happening of the "three ifs".

Now overseas Chinese are even more enthusiastic in "oppose Taiwan independence and promote reunification" courses, which reflects their traditional support to the Chinese revolution and socialist construction.

As for the terrorist attacks the US suffered, Wang says President Jiang has sent condolence letter to US president Bush yesterday night. China has always openly opposed to terrorism in any form. China has been making efforts to build a healthy, friendly and cooperative relationship with the US and hopes the US government would deal with Taiwan issue properly. China and the US have differences in certain fields but also have cooperation potential on some major international strategic issues, and the Sino-US relations are developing on a good track.

The terrorist attacks to the US will not change the US government's attitude towards China nor will they exert any direct impact on the cross-Straits relations, Wang stresses.

By PD Online staff member Li Heng

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Wang Zaixi, vice director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, commented on some issues concerning cross-Straits relations when interviewed by a visiting delegation of Chinese newspapers of Southeast Asia on September 12 in Beijing.

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