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Monday, July 16, 2001, updated at 08:18(GMT+8)

Chain Outlets Develop Rapidly in Chinese Catering Industry

Over 40 companies out of the top 100 in catering the industry have their chain outlets, generating 59 percent of the turnover by these 100 companies.

In recent years, the chain outlets have injected new vitality into China's catering industry, with companies being private or owned by the State.

Up to now, one brand with thousands of chain outlets have emerged in many cities.

The Baisheng Corporation, a western style food provider has 459 chain outlets at the end of 2000.

In terms of Chinese food, the Malan Noodle Corporation ranked first with 361 outlets.

"The number of chain outlets are still quite few compared with western food. We hope to increase the profit as well as improve the managing skills within chains," according to an official with China General Chamber of Commerce who released the results Sunday.

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Over 40 companies out of the top 100 in catering the industry have their chain outlets, generating 59 percent of the turnover by these 100 companies.

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