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Monday, July 16, 2001, updated at 08:18(GMT+8)

Chinese Food Service Industry Employs Over 10 Million People

Over 10 million Chinese people work in some 3 million units of the nation's food service industry.

In recent years, private and joint-venture companies of the industry developed rapidly, with the number occupying 95 percent of the whole.

The turnover reached 37.52 million yuan last year, up 17.3 percent compared with the year before, according to Sunday's report from China General Chamber of Commerce.

The top 100 companies collected 18.36 billion yuan worth of turnover, occupying 4.9 percent of the whole trade. Among them, Baisheng Corporation and Malan Noodle Corporation generated over 1 billion yuan respectively.

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Over 10 million Chinese people work in some 3 million units of the nation's food service industry.

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