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Wednesday, July 11, 2001, updated at 16:24(GMT+8)

Wuhan Police Foil Bombing Attempt in Karaoke Bar

The police authorities in Wuhan toppled a planned bomb attempt on Monday, defusing four bombs and detaining four suspects.

At 5:15 pm, the Qingshan Branch of Wuhan's Public Security Bureau learned that an explosion was planned and the offenders and bombs were hidden in a karaoke hall near the Wuhan Steel Company theatre.

Explosives were found by the police in a handbag owned by one of the two suspects, hidden in a private room in the hall.

Following intensive questioning, the two suspects admitted that another two criminals were hiding nearby and that they planned to detonate more explosives at around 7:00 that evening. The two said a timer and a pager were tied to the explosives.

The police caught the other two suspects soon afterwards and ordered the paging companies to stop their services to the four, to ensure that the bombs were not detonated via the pagers.

At about 6 pm, over 200 police officers had surrounded the explosives. Two experts then defused the bombs within 20 minutes.

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The police authorities in Wuhan toppled a planned bomb attempt on Monday, defusing four bombs and detaining four suspects.

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