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Wednesday, July 11, 2001, updated at 10:36(GMT+8)

Water Level in Northernmost Provincial Capital Rising

The water level of the Songhua River's Harbin section in this capital of Heilongjiang Province, had witnessed a quick rise to 111.37 meters by Tuesday, 0.4 meters higher than the river's lowest level on July 6.

The 900-km Songhua is the second busiest inland waterway in China after the Yangtze River, the nation's longest.

Since May this year, the high temperatures and low rainfall level in the river's upper reaches caused a severe a drop in the water level of the Harbin section in the lower reaches.

On July 6, the water level in the section reported a record low of 110.97 meters.

According to an expert from the local hydrometeorological bureau, the rise in water level can be attributed to the increase in rainfall in the river's drainage area.

The city has entered the rainy season and the water level is expected to continue to rise, the expert said.

Despite the rising water level, a drought is still troubling the city, and local authorities are urging people to get prepared to fight both the drought and possible flooding.

In This Section

The water level of the Songhua River's Harbin section in this capital of Heilongjiang Province, had witnessed a quick rise to 111.37 meters by Tuesday, 0.4 meters higher than the river's lowest level on July 6.

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