Anhui to Invest Huge Money to Treat Lake Pollution
East China's Anhui Province has decided to invest 2 billion yuan (241 million U.S. dollars) in the coming five years to treat pollution in its Chaohu Lake, one of the five large fresh-water lakes in the country.
The lake was put on the key pollution-control program list by the state. The first stage treatment has paid off. So far, 108 key polluting enterprises have reached waste discharge standards, and therefore cut waste flowing into the lake by one-fourth.
Although the lake's water quality improved to some degree, experts said it needs a long time to complete the overall elimination of pollution.
According to a report, the lake is still in ultrophication with superscale of content of nitrogen and phosphorus.
The province planned to build more sewage processing plants, cut industrial pollution sources and protect wetlands around the lake in order to restore the lake's purity, senior officials said.
East China's Anhui Province has decided to invest 2 billion yuan (241 million U.S. dollars) in the coming five years to treat pollution in its Chaohu Lake, one of the five large fresh-water lakes in the country.