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Friday, June 01, 2001, updated at 13:37(GMT+8)

Int'l Children's Day Celebrated in China

A wide range of activities were organized throughout China to mark the first International Children's Day of the 21st century.

In Beijing, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, in cooperation with three other organizations, invited 100 children representing China's 56 nationalities to a gathering in Beijing Thursday.

The meeting is aimed at providing an opportunity for the young generation of Chinese from various nationalities to better know each other and establish ties for further communications so that they can work together in the future.

At the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Thursday evening, a grand gala was organized, attended by 6,000 children and workers engaged in children's work. Vice-President Hu Jintao and some other ranking officials were present, enjoying the performance given by children from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and other countries.

Youngsters with the Children Welfare House of Taiyuan City, capital of Shanxi Province in north China, were the happiest Thursday as people from different walks of life went to visit them and brought them with an array of toys and snacks.

For children suffering from harelips in northwest China's Gansu Province, this year's International Children's Day will be the most impressive: some of them will get free treatment by a 42-member international medical team.

The team, consisting of doctors from China, the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Singapore, Australia and Hong Kong, has been in Lanzhou, the provincial capital, to carry out a five-day free surgery operation on children with harelips.

In a concerted effort to celebrate this year's International Children's Day, all the major Beijing-based newspapers Friday devoted space to articles or colorful pictures featuring topics related to children in China and other countries around the world.

Macao Celebrates Children's Day

Various activities have been sponsored by the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government and local social groups to mark this year's International Children's Day, which falls on Friday.

A total of 200 students from ten primary schools watched early Friday morning a flag-raising ceremony and ensuing military performances by the garrison troops of the People's Liberation Army stationed in Macao.

More than 160 pieces of children's paintings will be exhibited Saturday, with the theme of "New Century, New Hope." Macao children will put on show their beautiful lives and imagination on a brighter future.

The Little Red Flower Art Troupe from Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, will present three performances featuring singing, dancing and music in Macao as of Friday. Local children will also join hands with them.

In addition, several government departments will hold a large entertainment gathering at the Macao International Trade City Saturday, providing local children the chances to watch performances and play games.

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A wide range of activities were organized throughout China to mark the first International Children's Day of the 21st century.

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