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Sunday, April 15, 2001, updated at 09:33(GMT+8)

Relations With US Remain Russia's Foreign Policy Priority

Relations with the US remains one of Russia's foreign policy priorities, the Russian Foreign Ministry said at a Saturday meeting on prospects of Russian-US relations, April 14.

"During the past years, a big potential has been built in Russian-US relations," said the ministry in a statement. "And the development of mutual-beneficial cooperation serves long-term interests of Russia and the U.S. as well as the world community as a whole."

The statement said the strengthening of such relations largely depends on economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, including restrictions and access of Russian goods to the US market.

The statement called for "a constructive and pragmatic" dialogue with the Bush administration despite a number of unfriendly steps by the American side, alluding to recent spy rows between the two countries.

"Cooperation and coordination between Russia and the US are important for the resolution of key international and regional problems, the strengthening of security and stability in the world, and the fight against international terrorism, organized crimes and illegal drug trafficking," the statement read.

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Relations with the US remains one of Russia's foreign policy priorities, the Russian Foreign Ministry said at a Saturday meeting on prospects of Russian-US relations, April 14.

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