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Sunday, April 15, 2001, updated at 09:33(GMT+8)

Two Killed, 20 Injured by Gunman in US

Two people were killed and 20 others injured as a gunman opened fire in a crowded bar in Elgin of Illinois State in the United States Saturday, April 14, reports reaching here said.

The reports quoted local police as saying that the gunman allegedly returned to JB's Pub armed with several guns after employees had ordered him to leave.

There were about 200 people in the bar at the time of the attack. Most of those injured were shot but some suffered lacerations while fleeing the gunfire.

The 43-year-old gunman was detained by patrons of the bar and was later arrested. Charges were expected to be filed Saturday.

Two victims were pronounced dead at the scene. Twenty people, 10 males and 10 females, were transported to three area hospitals for various injuries.

Police did not immediately determine why employees had ordered the man to leave the bar.

Two long guns and two handguns were recovered at the scene, and police requested the King County Sheriff's bomb dogs do a check of the building.

Detectives were checking the suspect's background for a motive and are working with the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to identify the weapons and their origins.

Elgin is a suburb 60 kilometers west of Chicago.

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Two people were killed and 20 others injured as a gunman opened fire in a crowded bar in Elgin of Illinois State in the United States Saturday, April 14, reports reaching here said.

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