Fixed Assets Investment Increased 16.7 Percent in First Two Months
The fixed assets investment in China totaled 113.1 billion yuan in the first two months, up 16.7 percent from last year.
The capital construction investment was 58.9 billion yuan, increasing 11.4 percent. The investment in technical renovation totaled 17.6 billion yuan, up 22.6 percent, while real estate investment was 32 billion yuan, up 23.0 percent.
The fast growth was due to the early arrival of the Spring Festival and more new construction projects getting started.
In the first two months, more money was invested in the new projects. The planned investment was 106.8 billion yuan, rising 93.5 percent.
The investment in the western areas totaled 17.8 billion yuan, increasing 40.2 percent, much faster than that of the east and central areas.