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Friday, March 02, 2001, updated at 22:15(GMT+8)

China Schedules Progress of Three Gorges Project

The first group of two generators for the Three Gorges Project, world's largest hydro-electric project, will start operation in October 2003, sources from China Yangtze Three Gorges Project Development Co. announced Friday.

With the latest timetable, the second group of two generators will supply electricity two months later, and the permanent ship lock will open to traffic in June the same year, after all testing and adjustment work succeed.

Concrete pouring work on the dam body is scheduled to be finished by 2002 and water will be stored behind the dam by June 2003.

This year will be a crucial stage for the Three Gorges project and all participants are required to work even harder and give top priority to the project quality by the central government.

The project has made smooth headway since 1993 when it began, according to a Three Gorges Project Development Company source.

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The first group of two generators for the Three Gorges Project, world's largest hydro-electric project, will start operation in October 2003, sources from China Yangtze Three Gorges Project Development Co. announced Friday.

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