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Thursday, February 15, 2001, updated at 08:23(GMT+8)

Acer to Lay Off 500 Foreign Workers

Acer Incorporated, the largest computer firm in Taiwan, announced Wednesday that it will lay off 500 foreign workers in its plants in the island as part of efforts to streamline its 7,000-strong local workforce, according to a media in Taipei.

The computer giant decided not to renew the contracts of 500 foreign workers whose present contracts are due to expire.

It will be Acer's second such move since last year, when the company shed more than 1,500 workers at its overseas plants. The total of 2,000-odd workers account for nearly a quarter of Acer's overall manpower.

Acer is also planning to shift its production lines of low-end products to China's mainland and the Philippines.

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Acer Incorporated, the largest computer firm in Taiwan, announced Wednesday that it will lay off 500 foreign workers in its plants in the island as part of efforts to streamline its 7,000-strong local workforce, according to a media in Taipei.

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