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Thursday, January 18, 2001, updated at 13:43(GMT+8)

CAS to Move on New Aiming-High Plans

Aiming-high plans with a bountiful yield of strategic innovation achievements for China's socioeconomic development and development of world science and technology by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in coming five years were earlier reported in China.

"These are the very basic standards to check out whether our innovation project is successful". "Eight years have passed from deliberations to ending the second phase of our knowledge innovation project and since we are at a time of rapid scientific progress eight years are by no means a short duration of time we have been given," said Lu Yongxiang, president of CAS

Facing the challenge of development of a knowledge economy, the CAS has carried out experiments on a knowledge innovation project since 1998 under support of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in order to gain experience for China's innovation system construction.

The CAS will go in for major sci-tech readjustments in a move to integrate national strategic demands with forward scientific developments and develop a new scientific research pattern to help accomplish the goals set to keep up China's development over a period of 20 years to come in the future. Following its aiing-high plans, CAS is to greatly boost its researches on information technology and advanced manufacturing, life science, material science and advanced material. With these are also advances to be made in development of resource environment science, energy science, marine science, astronomy and space science, and mathematics and system science, and strengthen research of scientific history and policies, development strategy, major scientific project and other intercross disciplines.

As mapped by plans, CAS will establish about 20 bases for knowledge innovation, and reorganize relevant research institutions and startup with world top research units. Some of them will be handed over to enterprises or managed jointly with local authorities and universities. With new research directions in focus and first-rate research setup built, world leading frontier scientific research projects will be launched and targets set in a bid to help China make big strides in science, technology and economic construction.

By PD Online staff member Deng Gang

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Aiming-high plans with a bountiful yield of strategic innovation achievements for China's socioeconomic development and development of world science and technology by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in coming five years were earlier reported in China.

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