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Tuesday, January 16, 2001, updated at 21:00(GMT+8)

Chinese, Norwegian Ministers Agree to Strengthen Trade Relations

Chinese Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi Guangsheng and Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry Grete Knudsen agreed Tuesday that the two countries should have a higher level of trade and economic cooperation.

Shi noted that under the joint efforts of the two governments and enterprises from the two sides, two-way trade has been growing smoothly. Bilateral trade volume reached near US$1 billion last year.

"As the two countries are highly complementary in their economies, we should constantly explore for better ways to deepen and broaden two-way cooperation," Shi said. "The Chinese side welcomes Norwegian companies to come to invest in the high-tech sector, the renovation of Chinese enterprises and the development of China's vast western region."

Knudsen said she fully agreed with Shi's comments, and said Norwegian companies are highly interested in the infrastructure construction and the restructuring of State-owned enterprises.

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Chinese Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi Guangsheng and Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry Grete Knudsen agreed Tuesday that the two countries should have a higher level of trade and economic cooperation.

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