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Wednesday, November 01, 2000, updated at 20:23(GMT+8)

International Forum on Socialization of University Logistics Opens

An international forum on the socialization of university logistics opened Wednesday in this east China metropolis.

University presidents from 12 foreign countries including the United States, Germany, Japan, as well as governmental officials and enterprise delegates will take part in the three-day conference.

The major topics of the forum cover discussions of the reforms of the Chinese university logistics system and related experiences and examples of foreign universities.

"It is a great chance to learn from foreign universities to enhance China's reform on the logistic services, which may accelerate the development of the higher education", said Zhou Murao, vice mayor of Shanghai City at the opening ceremony today.

The participants at the forum visited some local universities today.

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An international forum on the socialization of university logistics opened Wednesday in this east China metropolis.

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