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Wednesday, November 01, 2000, updated at 14:48(GMT+8)

China to Strengthen Strategic High-tech Research

China will strengthen strategic high-tech research represented by information technology, using informationalization to drive industrialization, upgrading technology levle of traditional industries during the 10th Five-Year Plan, according to Deng Nan, vice-Minister of the Science and Technology.

She made the remarks at the National Science and Technology Meeting. She said that during the period of the next five years, China will focus on the innovation and breakthrough in strategic high-tech field linking the development trend of world high-tech and the demand of long economic and social development. Meanwhile, the country will, starting from the demand of high-tech industrialization, facing and guiding industrialization, create favorable condition for the development of high-tech industry.

So far, 8 high-tech fields exerting strategic influence on the strengthening of overall national strength have been preliminarily confirmed including information technology, biotechnology, new materials technology, advanced manufacturing and automation technology, resources environment technology, aviation and spaceflight technology and advanced defense technology. Among them, the emphases are the three fields of information, biotechnology and new materials.

Deng notes that China should actively grasp the opportunity of the adjustment and transition of international industry, combining the characteristics and comparative advantages of our country's industry, attach great efforts to the development of manufacturing especially furnishment manufacturing, speeding up penetration, reform and upgrading of information technology to manufacturing, and forming a world manufacturing base.

In addition, great attention will be given to the research, development, promotion and application of common and key technology, improving technology level and product competitiveness of primary industries such as energy sources, materials, transportation, textile and etc. with high-tech, the official said.

In This Section

China will strengthen strategic high-tech research represented by information technology, using informationlization to drive industrialization, upgrading technology levle of traditional industries during the 10th Five-Year Plan, according to Deng Nan, vice-Minister of the Science and Technology.

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