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Wednesday, September 27, 2000, updated at 18:34(GMT+8)

China Mobile Announces Increase of Subscribers

Hong Kong-listed China Mobile (Hong Kong) limited (CMHK) announced here Wednesday that its subscribers had reached 23.9 million, as of September 20, 2000.

This reflects a net addition of approximately 520,000 subscribers from July 1 to July 20, 730,000 subscribers from July 21 to August 20, and 1.04 million subscribers from August 21 to September 20.

CMHK believes that the pattern of subscriber net additions in the past three months is consistent with its experience in the past. In particular, July and August tend to have a lower net addition of subscribers.

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Hong Kong-listed China Mobile (Hong Kong) limited (CMHK) announced here Wednesday that its subscribers had reached 23.9 million, as of September 20, 2000.

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