Friday, September 08, 2000, updated at 19:07(GMT+8)
Beijing's Population over 12.8 Million
The latest statistics from the fifth Beijing census reveals that the population of Beijing has exceeded 12.8 million.
The census office carried out the check of registered permanent residence from August 1st to 20th. The result shows that there are 11,003,357 registered permanent residents in Beijing while people staying here over half a year amount to 1,842,363. The total population is 12,845,720.
The current population in Beijing has two outstanding features. One is that 2.91 million people do not live in where their registered permanent residences belong to, amounting for 27% of the total population. The other is that the number of people from other cities is very large. Among them, those who have stayed in Beijing more than half a year are 1.842 million, which stands above 15% of the total population.
The director of Beijing census office Gu Yanzhou said that the first feature is led by the restruction of the Beijing city. Most of those who used to live in the center of the city have moved to near suburbs while their registered residences are still reserved in original places. Moreover, the rapid economic growth attracts people from other cities to work and even settle down here.
It is known that Haidian is the district with most registered permanent residents while Chaoyang the one with most people from other places. According to sources, 70,000 people offer their work in this census. They have investigated 3.9 million families which covers 98.7% of the whole.