Wednesday, August 23, 2000, updated at 22:08(GMT+8)
Population in Macao SAR Reaches 436,000
The population in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China was estimated at 436,000 on June 30 this year, the latest official statistics show.
There were 861 births in the second quarter of this year and 51.2 percent of the new babies were boys, according to the figures released Wednesday by the Statistics and Census Services of the Macao SAR government.
During the same quarter, 317 people died in Macao. The main causes of death were chicken pox and tuberculosis, which claimed 136 and 110 lives respectively.
There were 261 marriage registrations in the quarter. In the meantime, 564 people from China's inland areas became legal immigrants of Macao.
The SAR government has announced that a comprehensive census will be conducted in August next year, and a trial census is being held from August to September 1.
The population in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China was estimated at 436,000 on June 30 this year, the latest official statistics show.