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Wednesday, August 02, 2000, updated at 16:40(GMT+8)

Taiwan Firms Invest US$ 239 Million in Shandong in First Half-Year

Shandong governments at all levels and relevant departments have intensified efforts to attract Taiwan investment, making a breakthrough in this effort in the first half of this year.

Statistics show that the newly approved 104 Taiwan-funded projects involve a total investment of US$239 million, and the contracted value stand at US$193 million, with their respective increases being 26.8 percent and 22.1 percent over last year's same period. The value of contracted Taiwan investment was close to the total value of last year.

By the end of June, the provincial government had approved of 4,154 Taiwan-invested projects, with the value of contracted Taiwan funds amounting to US$3.44 billion, 2,168 firms of which had gone into operation.

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Shandong governments at all levels and relevant departments have intensified efforts to attract Taiwan investment, making a breakthrough in this effort in the first half of this year.

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