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Wednesday, August 02, 2000, updated at 14:09(GMT+8)

Zhejiang Is Home to More Overseas-Funded Projects

East China's Zhejiang Province, which is China's 4th largest economic powerhouse, ratified 56 overseas-funded projects, with each involving more than 10 million US dollars of investment in the first half of this year, 30 more than the same period last year.

Of these projects, 10 involve in real-estate development and others specialize in such areas as textile, garments, communications, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and electronics.

During the first half of this year, there were 746 new overseas-funded entities in the province, a 39.7 percent rise on the yearly basis. The projects involve a total investment of 1.9 billion US dollars, with the amount of contractual overseas investment showing an increase of 2.3 percent over the 1999 figure.

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East China's Zhejiang Province, which is China's 4th largest economic powerhouse, ratified 56 overseas-funded projects, with each involving more than 10 million US dollars of investment in the first half of this year, 30 more than the same period last year.

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