Beijing Announces Benchmark Grades for University Entrance
The University Enrollment Office of Beijing announced the long-awaited benchmark grades for college entrance at 11 am on July 24 in Beijing.
The minimum marks for literature majors is 465, almost the same with last year's 466. The floor marks for science majors is 476, 16 marks higher than last year.
High school students sitting for the National College Entrance Examination, which took place from July 7 to 9, can check their grades via Internet or special telephone services.
From Monday night, universities in Beijing will provide consultation service to students and their parents, who want to know more information about the schools. On July 27 to 28, students are scheduled to submit their applications to their desired universities. And the nationwide college enrollment will start at the beginning of August.
The new semester usually begin on September 1 every year in China.