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Friday, July 21, 2000, updated at 21:01(GMT+8)

53 Persons Enter Race for HK Legislature Seats

53 Persons Enter Race for HK Legislature Seats
Seventeen lists of 40 persons handed in nominations for the Legislative Council geographical constituency elections Thursday, the first day of the nomination exercise, according to a government press release. Twelve persons submitted nominations for the functional constituency seats and one for the Election Committee election.

The nomination period will run for two weeks up to 5 p.m. on August 2.

Elections will be held on September 10 to return 60 Legislative Council members. Twenty-four members will be returned by five geographical constituencies, 30 members by 28 functional constituencies and six members by the Election Committee.

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Seventeen lists of 40 persons handed in nominations for the Legislative Council geographical constituency elections Thursday, the first day of the nomination exercise, according to a government press release. Twelve persons submitted nominations for the functional constituency seats and one for the Election Committee election.

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