3.88 Million Students to Sit for College Entrance Exams
A total of 3.88 million Chinese students will sit for college and university entrance examinations this year, 485,000 more than last year, according to the Ministry of Education.
The exams will be held, as they are every year, on July 7-9. Chinese universities will enroll 2.04 million students this year, which means about 52.5 percent of the exam participants will have the chance to continue their college study.
This year, Chinese western regions are receiving higher quotas for college enrollment.
The number of male students taking exams will reach 2.228 million, accounting for 59 percent of the total.
The ministry today reiterated that local educational departments should strengthen management of the exams to ensure the testing proceeds smoothly.
A total of 3.88 million Chinese students will sit for college and university entrance examinations this year, 485,000 more than last year, according to the Ministry of Education.