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Wednesday, May 24, 2000, updated at 07:29(GMT+8)

New Taiwan Leader Criticized for Blurry, Evasive Attitudes Toward One-China Principle

Experts from the Taiwan Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Tuesday criticized the new Taiwan leader for his blurry and evasive remarks on the One-China Principle in his speech on May 20.

They blamed him for lacking sincerity and goodwill for improving and developing cross-Straits ties and urged him to follow historical trends, stop advocating secessionist views, and return to the One-China Principle.

The speakers showed their firm support for the May 20 statement jointly issued by the Taiwan Work Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.

Separatism and "Taiwan independence" in any form will never succeed and will not be tolerated by the Chinese people including the people of Taiwan, the experts agreed.

They urged the new Taiwan leader to join cross-Straits talks and negotiations under the One-China Principle so as to push forward the development of the cross-Straits relations.

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Experts from the Taiwan Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Tuesday criticized the new Taiwan leader for his blurry and evasive remarks on the One-China Principle in his speech on May 20.

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