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Monday, May 22, 2000, updated at 17:54(GMT+8)

Top-quality Steel to be Developed

China will focus on developing key steel verities as substitute of imported ones in the adjustment of metallurgical industry structure, thus realizing the upgrading of the quality of iron and steel products, said Pu Haiqing, director of the State Bureau of Metallurgical Industry.

The steel verities in great demand on our market, and also the imported ones of biggest volume, are those with top-quality, high value-added and advanced technique. They are mainly lie in the stainless, cold-rolled and hot-rolled plates, and this is also the focal point of product structure adjustment in the future 5 years. China is the biggest country in terms of steel production, with the annually volume exceeding one hundred million tons during past 4 successive years, and the last year's number was 124 million tons. However, each year about 7 million tons have to be imported, much of them are plates for cars, electrical household appliances, stainless steel and model steel.

China is presently in an industrializing process, and the sustained, rapid development of national economy demand a higher level of product verities, service, quality, and price, and this is of great significance for the structural adjustment of iron and steel industry. The top-quality steel, needed by the upgrading industries of car, machine, electrical household appliance, power, petroleum, transportation, will bring a more capacious market in the country, added Pu.

It is reported that the next step in China's iron and steel industry is to increase the international competitiveness through technological innovation, industrial upgrading, and combination and association of enterprises.

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China will focus on developing key steel verities as substitute of imported ones in the adjustment of metallurgical industry structure, thus realizing the upgrading of the quality of iron and steel products, said Pu Haiqing, director of the State Bureau of Metallurgical Industry.

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