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Tuesday, May 16, 2000, updated at 13:59(GMT+8)

PLA Air Force Officers to Receive High-tech Training

The Air Force of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has required all Air Force officers at and above regimental commander level to receive high-tech training within one year.

A senior Air Force officer said the training is aimed at " effecting a shift from the previous development strategy of mere territorial air defense to that of raising both the defensive and offensive capability."

During the training courses, the officers will study modern air combat theory, development trends in modern fighter aircraft, weaponry for modern air combat, equipment for high-tech warfare, and command automation devices.

The officer said that PLA Air Force has entered a new phase of development with high-tech equipment and weapons, and Air Force officers at various levels are required to upgrade their knowledge and improve their capacity to master high-tech armament.

In order to form effective combat forces as soon as possible, the building of the combat forces of the Air Force will focus on raising its capacity to master the techniques of modern warfare.

More than 20 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering have been invited to act as advisors to the Air Force in its modernization drive.

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The PLA Air Force has required all Air Force officers at and above regimental commander level to receive high-tech training within one year.

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