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Sunday, April 30, 2000, updated at 08:59(GMT+8)

Wuhan to Develop Network Interface Chip

P$S Electronic Co. Ltd in Wuhan, Hubei Province announced April 28 that the company has developed a web interface chip used to link the embedded application system with internet, the chip can be widely used in industry, commerce, traffic, telecom, medical treatment and consumption fields, it was designed and developed by P&S Electronic company itself and produced by an American company. Patent applications have been filed for the chip in China and the United States, the product will be sold in batches on the market.

The chip is a kind of micro-controller, it can be linked with internet conveniently and cheaply through modem, wireless, wire, power line.

In This Section

P$S Electronic Co. Ltd in Wuhan, Hubei Province announced April 28 that the company has developed a web interface chip used to link the embedded application system with internet, the chip can be widely used in industry, commerce, traffic, telecom, medical treatment and consumption fields, it was designed and developed by P&S Electronic company itself and produced by an American company. Patent applications have been filed for the chip in China and the United States, the product will be sold in batches on the market.

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