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Saturday, April 29, 2000, updated at 15:49(GMT+8)

Shanghai to Build First City Domain Optical Communication Network

China's first international-standard city domain communication network was recently built in, east China's Shanghai.

It is reported that the communication network, also called broad band high-speed optical network, which adopts the latest technology of optical fiber communication field, is the real expressway of 21st century. It realizes high-speed transmission and exchange of information in the field of optics. Its transmission speed is 80 times of that of the synchronous digital transmission technology. It can save 70 percent of the operation expenses, 90 percent of the expenses on web building.

The construction of the optical communication network will ensure the Shanghai's position in the respect of broad band optical network technology and industrialization, drive the development of relative industries, promote the construction of national information freeway and bring about rapid development of China's information industry.

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China's first international-standard city domain communication network was recently built in, east China's Shanghai.

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