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Friday, April 14, 2000, updated at 09:30(GMT+8)

US Investigation Results for Bombing Chinese Embassy Unacceptable

The accountability review results provided by the United States concerning the US bombing of the Chinese embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia last May are not tenable and the Chinese side found them unacceptable, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi in Beijing on April 13.

At a regular press conference, Sun said the US bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia on May 8, last year, was an extremely serious international unlawful act which infringed gravely on China's sovereignty, greatly hurt the dignity of the Chinese people and severely damaged Sino-US relations.

The US side repeated its version of investigation results it provided to the Chinese side in June last year, admitting only that the US side used an inappropriate methodology to locate the target and that the review process at every level failed to find the mistake, Sun said.

The explanation that the entire review process went wrong in the same link because of the negligence of a number of people is obviously not tenable, and hence unacceptable by the Chinese side, he said.

The U.S government should have a clear understanding of China's solemn stand and position on the issue, and conduct a comprehensive and thorough investigation into its bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, bring the perpetrators to justice and give the Chinese Government and people a satisfactory explanation, and remove the serious negative impact of issue on Sino-US relations, Sun said.

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The accountability review results provided by the United States concerning the US bombing of the Chinese embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia last May are not tenable and the Chinese side found them unacceptable, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi in Beijing on April 13.

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