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Wednesday, April 12, 2000, updated at 10:26(GMT+8)

Five Killed in Northeast China Fire

A fire that broke out at 1:30 am Tuesday morning in a hotel in Panjin in Northeast China's Liaoning Province has killed five people and injured seven others.

Local sources said the blaze started on the third floor of the Xinglong Hotel and soon spread to the fourth and sixth floors.

Firefighters arrived at the hotel soon after the fire started and had it under control by around 2:20 am.

Sources also said that two people died from the fire and three others died during the rescue process. Five persons were seriously injured and two others slightly wounded.

The fire has been extinguished and an investigation into the cause is underway.

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A fire that broke out at 1:30 am Tuesday morning in a hotel in Panjin in Northeast China's Liaoning Province has killed five people and injured seven others.

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